For International Students
Research students
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities as Research Students (either regular students or non-regular students) under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program.
Recommendation by Japanese embassy
For students who wish to use this scholarship
To use this scholarship, you need to apply to the Japanese embassy in your country and the first screening will be held there.
For details, please check MEXT website or contact the Japanese embassy in your country.
*You cannot apply to this scholarship through Ibaraki University.
Also, we cannot answer any questions about this scholarship.
For the students who passed the first screening.
If you are thinking to choose Ibaraki University as placement university, please look up our researchers in this page first.
Overview of information about researchers from Ibaraki University
If you are willing to choose Ibaraki University as your accepting university, you can ask us for a letter of provisional acceptance.
Ask us by sending an e-mail to the address below with your name, the field of study you wish to be in, and the stamped documents returned from your country’s embassy attached.
The Ibaraki University International Exchange Division
(To send us e-mail, replace ★ to @)
Recommendation by University
For the students who wish to apply this scholarship
We recommend international students to Japanese Government (MEXT) as Ibaraki university.
Mainly faculty from each department recommends international students based on “Agreement for exchange among universities”, then the entire Ibaraki University screens them.
*We cannot introduce you any faculties as Ibaraki University.