For International Students
Tutor information
The tutoring system
International students who enrol at the university are assigned a tutor with the purpose of guidance and cooperation so that they get used to student life in Japan as quickly as possible. This system aims to improve guidance and assistance about everyday life and study and research in specialist fields for international students with cooperation from the teaching staff and students at the university.
International students at colleges and graduate school as well as those engaged in research may use this system. It bears no relation to whether the student is government-funded or self-funded. Tutors are selected by the university based on the recommendations of supervisors.
This system is available for the first six months (first semester) after admission for college level international students and for the first year for graduate school level international students.
The role of the tutor
The role of the tutor can be divided into three categories: academic support, lifestyle support and personal relationship support.
① Academic support
It can be complex and difficult for international students to understand how to register for classes and courses. Academic support comprises support for studying including responding to such questions as well as talking about effective study methods for specialist courses, how to write reports and responding to questions about the Japanese language.
② Lifestyle support
International students have many questions about everyday life in Japan such as who to contact and procedures for supply and payment for phone, electricity, gas and water services. Being provided with detailed information on supermarket locations and how to shop, opening a bank account and using buses and trains and so on, international students will feel a great sense of relief.
③ Personal relationship support
Please teach international students the knack to personal relationships with Japanese people so that they can make a lot of friends among the Japanese students. One method is to introduce friends to other friends.
Below are some examples of tutor activities.
- Gave a tour of the campus and explained how to use the different facilities.
- Discussed how to sign up for major and culture classes.
- Answered questions about studying and gave advice about classes and exams.
- Explained how to write reports.
- Helped with Japanese language study.
- Accompanied student to the Immigration Bureau (branch office) and helped with the application procedure.
- Went to the bank and helped with opening an account. Explained how to pay utility bills.
- Gave a tour of public facilities (hospital, library, museum, etc.) and explained how to use them.
- Helped with finding an apartment and explained contracts and systems.
- Talked about food and clothing in Japan and difference in culture over lunch.
- Talked about the differences in lifestyle habits between Japan and native country.
- Talked about the social situation based on topics in newspapers and on the news.
Information about tutors
1. Tutor qualifications
Tutors do not have any particular qualifications but they are either (1) Japanese students in the latter years of their study such as those at graduate school and who have a connection to the major subject of the international student or (2) students who do not meet the requirements in (1) but who a supervisor deems as suitable and essential. The most important thing is that they have an interest in interaction with international students such as coming into contact with people from other cultures.
2. Implementation period and number of hours
The implementation period is 11 months from April each year to the following February (1st semester: April – August, 2nd semester: September – February). The periods that the tutor system can be used are as follows.
① Full-time students
International undergraduate students | Within one year including the 1st semester after admission. The remaining semester will be determined by the college according to needs. |
Graduate students | Within two years including the 1st semester after admission. |
② Part-time students
Auditors, Japanese language/culture students | 1st semester after admission. |
Research students | Within one year including the 1st semester after admission. |
Implementation periods are according to the following standards.
Undergraduates | approximately 16 hours per year |
Graduates | approximately 16 hours per year |
Part-time students | approximately 16 hours per year |
Tutors have discussions with supervisors and talk to international students to create a guidance plan.
3. Using tutors from the International Exchange Room (Mito / Ami Campuses) and the International Exchange Salon (Hitachi Campus)
The implementation period is 11 months from April each year to the following February (1st semester: April – August, 2nd semester: September – February). The periods that the tutor system can be used are as follows.
○ Tutor office hours
Mito Campus: 12:00 – 14:00
Ami Campus: 11:00 – 14:00 (Monday and Thursday only)
Hitachi Campus: Please chack the schedule in front of Tutor office.
○ Tutor office hours
International Exchange Room: Mito Campus Kyotsu Kyoiku Building 1 1st floor
International Exchange Room: Ami Campus Research Building 2nd floor
International Exchange Salon: Hitachi Campus E1 Building 1F
○ International Exchange Room tutor users
Ibaraki University international students, tutors and anyone who is interested in international exchange.
○ International Exchange Office tutor consultation subjects
① Consultations about lifestyle
We provide consultations about things in Japanese life with which you need help or things that you don’t understand about the university, etc.
② Japanese language study support
Tutors give advice about more natural expression for the Japanese language in general including reports, dissertations and conversation.
【 Points to note when using tutors】
・ Tutors help with correcting the Japanese written by international students to make it more natural.
・ Tutors cannot think about report contents together with the international students from the beginning or help with translation.
・ Those who have reserved are given priority so please reserve if you can.
③ Promotion of interaction between international students and tutors
If you have any ideas to promote interaction between international students or between international students and tutors, please get in touch. All involved parties will consider them and work towards their implementation.
○ How to make a reservation
Write your name on the reservation sheet at the International Exchange Room tutor consultation area.
4. Enquiries
If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please contact the Center for Global Engagement Office (International Exchange Division) or the Student Educational Affairs Section of your college on the Mito Campus or the Student Educational Affairs Section of your college on the Hitachi and Ami Campuses.