For International Students
Tuition fee exemption system
Tuition fee exemption
Full-time international students who are self-funded and whose performance is excellent but find it difficult to pay tuition fees due to financial reasons may be exempted from all or part of their tuition fees after selection based on an application by the student in question.
See the Ibaraki University website for details.
Scholarship system
Reservation candidates for the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) International Student Reservation Program
Following application, students complete the enrollment process at the beginning of April. Details of the process will be posted on the Dream Campus information portal and sent out by official email.
Scholarships provided by private scholarship
Details of scholarships from organizations providing grants for university entry will be posted on the Dream Campus information portal and sent out by official email. Application criteria and grant conditions vary by organization. The number of students eligible for these scholarships is limited.