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Japanese Field Studies: Making Wagashi (Nerikiri) (Tuesday, October 5)

On October 15th, as part of the "Japanese Field Studies" class in our Japanese Language Training course, we had the opportunity to make traditional Japanese sweets (nerikiri) with Ms. Mari Uchiyama, who runs the "Nico Nico Time" wagashi (Japanese confectionery) workshop in Mito City.

In preparation for the class, students studied the history and types of wagashi and nerikiri, as well as the various wagashi shops in Mito City. On the day of the event, under Ms. Uchiyama's guidance, students made two autumn-themed nerikiri designs: an apple and a chrysanthemum flower. Each student's nerikiri showcased their unique creativity, and they cherished the experience as they took their handmade sweets home. As part of the follow-up learning activities, students reflected on their experiences and created posters.


Please check the following poster summarizing the students' learning.