New information
"Intercultural Collaborative Learning (Minnesota): Exchange with University of Wisconsin-Superior Students(Friday, November 1)
In the "Intercultural Collaborative Learning (Minnesota)" offered this semester, our students are conducting a COIL project with students studying Japanese at Macalester College in the U.S. In addition to the exchange with students from Macalester College, on Friday, November 1, our students interacted online with 12 students from the University of Wisconsin-Superior in the U.S., a partner institution of Ibaraki University.
In this class, students are critically evaluating "Japanese culture" and consider how to present "Japanese culture" to people overseas through exchanges with students from U.S. universities. At the exchange on Friday, November 1, each group chose a topic and discussed it.
Participating students commented, "It was a good opportunity to share our opinions with each other," and "I felt a diversity in the answers to a question.