New information
"Intercultural Collaborative Learning (Minnesota): Exchange with University of Wisconsin-Superior Students(Friday, December 6)
In the "Intercultural Collaborative Learning (Minnesota)" offered this semester, our students are conducting a COIL project with students studying Japanese at Macalester College in the U.S and the University of Wisconsin-Sperior. On Friday, November 1, our students interacted online with 12 students from the University of Wisconsin-Superior in the U.S., a partner institution of Ibaraki University. On Froiday, December 6, our students interacted with the University of Wisconsin-Superior in the U.S. via online communication, where students from both sides presented what they learned through project activities and exchanged opinions.
A presentation to report on the learning outcomes of this activity will be held on Friday, December 20 at 9:00 am (Japan time). We are currently recruiting participants, so please join us!
Date: Friday, December 20, 2024 from 9:00am to 10:25am (Japan time)
Location: Online (ZOOM link will be sent to those who have registered)
Application Forms: https://forms.office.com/r/jDGFDr3eY2
Application Deadline:Thursday, December 19, noon