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A Fourth Class Exchange with Students of the Michigan State University(Thursday, December 8)

At the night of December 8 (Japan Time), 14 students enrolled in the Japanese Pedagogy I class in the Japanese Language Education Program interacted with 36 students at the Michigan State University (MSU) studying Japanese language.

This is the fourth and final session of the class exchanges. In order to introduce Japanese culture from a more diverse and fluid aspect rather than a fixed view of Japanese people and Japanese culture, students "critically" read the cultural introduction of a Japanese language textbook used at Michigan State University and introduced Japanese culture based on Ryuko Kubota's 4D's Approach!

In the students' reflections, the students commented that "I felt like I was able to understand which words were difficult or easy as we exchanged more and more," and "I felt that this was a good culmination of our past experiences, as we were able to allocate time exactly as we had done in the past by making use of our mistakes." Students were able to develop their practical skills through repeated class exchange sessions.