Students’introduction of life and tourism in Ibaraki

Online Study Abroad During Pandemic

Interviewers : I Kadek Genta Astawa, Kazuki Ootake

On Sunday, 5th January 2023, we interviewed a female student from Indonesia that participated in study abroad program in Japan within online exchange program named Piwulang Sae Innaka Fatihatur Rahma. She studied from April to August 2021 at Ibaraki University as an international student

Background and Profession of Ms. Fatihatur Rahma

Genta: Good afternoon, Ms Fatihatur Rahma, thanks for taking your time to interview today. Before I start, I’ll introduce myself. My name is I Kadek Genta Astawa, and my partner is Kazuki Ootake can’t participate today because he had a part-time job in his workplace.
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Good afternoon, okay. I’ll understand.
Genta : Okay, the first question, tell me your background and profession Ms. Fatihatur Rahma-san.
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Okay, my background is, I was a student in Jendral Soedirman University. Now I am taking Japanese courses. My major is English Literature and my hobby is watching anime.
Genta : That's quite a nice hobby.
Ms.Fatihatur Rahma: yes (laughing) The Reason of Studying Abroad during COVID-19
Genta: Okay, the next question. what did you get from studying abroad during covid-19?
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Um, there were a lot of experiences when I got student exchange in Ibaraki. First, I could learn more about Japan, especially in Japanese like hiragana, katakana, kanji, kotoba, listening, reading, and things like that. And then about the culture, It is very amazing for me because Japanese people get embarrassed when they are late, especially in a job or course like that. And then, I can learn more about anime, because there are anime courses like analyzing what is different between cartoons and anime.
Genta: uh , that's quite interesting. Um, according to the anime courses, what Japanese cultures do you like?
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Japanese culture that I like, maybe about food. I love Japanese foods, such as ramen, sushi, onigiri, dorayaki, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and that’s all.
Genta: wow, that's quite interesting
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: And, when I was an exchange student, I learned with my sensei how to make dorayaki and okonomiyaki. That's a very nice experience that I remember until now. That's very interesting.
Genta: Hmm, that's delicious.
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma : yes (laughing)

The Struggles of Study Abroad

Genta: okay, the next question. Is there something that made it difficult for you while studying abroad, what was it?
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Struggles? Maybe Kanji. There are so many Kanji that I should remember in my brain, how to pronounce, how to read it. And yeah, it was difficult.
Genta: Yeah. I can relate that. Because I am learning Japanese literature. In the first semester, it was really really hard. Because our teacher is Japanese. In each class with her, I must remember kanji.  That shocked me.
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: (laughing) Yeah.
Genta: For me, I struggled to remember all that.
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Yes, I know. You can do it.

The Reason of Choosing “Japan” for Studying Abroad

Genta: Yes, thank you. The next question, why did you choose Japan for studying abroad?
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Aaaa. Because, in semester 4, there were a lot of offers. It was not only Japan, but France, Germany, and China, I guess. But I chose Japan, because yeah, I know a little Japanese language from anime so Japan is familiar to me. 
Genta: Wow, that's too much trouble. But you did it.
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma:  Yeah !(laughing)

Difficulty of the Differences between Your own Country and Japan

Genta: That's interesting. Yes, the next question, Is there any difficulty because of the time difference between your own country and Japan ?
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Yes, of course! It was different. Time in Japan is two hours faster than in Indonesia. And when I was an exchange student, I also took classes at my university. So, when I take my course in my university, it's also the time of class in Japan. It was like a collapse. So, I need to fix my sensei and my teacher. And yes, my lecture.

Reason to Take Courses of “Film Analyze”

Genta: Umm, okay. Aa, according to the anime courses, Ms Fatihatur Rahma san is from that course analyzing anime right? What kind of anime did you analyze?
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: What kind of anime or how to analyze?
Genta : Yes, how to analyze
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Yes, how to analyze, you can have to watch a visual, watch a different cartoon and Japanese anime. And then the characters, what the characters’ purpose, and of course, the difference of language. And yeah, there are so many things. Then, when I feel “wow that's so amazing”.  I can imagine something before watching anime like this.
Genta: Umm, yeah. That's right. I’m also writing a proposal too, and that data sources is from anime.
Ms.Fatihatur Rahma:  What anime?
Genta: That is embarrassing, after this meeting, I will let you know in chat (laughing)
Ms.Fatihatur Rahma: Okay, no problem (laughing)
Genta: Okay, that's all for today, thank you for your time today. Ms. Fatihatur Rahma, today's interview was fun too. See you later.
Ms. Fatihatur Rahma: Okay, you’re welcome! See you later!