Students’introduction of life and tourism in Ibaraki

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Online Study Exchange

Article Writer: Fatimah Sekar Aurum
Interviewer: Fatimah Sekar Aurum, Shinozaki Rin

We interviewed Ni Putu Wulan Lestari, who is a former online exchange student from Udayana University, Indonesia. She participated in Ibaraki University Online Exchange Program from April 9th until August 10th, 2021. She already graduated with title “Cum laude” from Japanese Literature Study Program from Udayana University.

Sekar: What made you get interested in studying exchange program in Ibaraki University?
Wulan: Well, I really love Japan, and I really want to go to Japan, actually. But you know, due to COVID-19, we can't travel there. And yeah, they make an online program which is good I think the program was very awesome.
Rin: Did you find any difficulties in studying exchange program?
Wulan: Ah, yes. Probably it’s because the internet connection, when doing presentation suddenly disconnected from the internet. It was troublesome. And you know, working online with some other groups with different ideas and culture background is really challenging. Even if we don’t have the same perspective of one thing, it’s hard to make things clear.
Rin: Yes, I know, it’s hard to work with people that have different ideas and thinking so we should have the same goals and objectives, of course it’s difficult.
Wulan: Yeah. But I’m grateful because of that experience really helps me during my work now. Working with Japanese student before really help me to guide Japanese student who came to Bali. So that I can guess what kind of work they want to do. It was a good experience.
Sekar: So, there’s Japanese student came to your university?
Wulan: Yeah. But they were only study Indonesia language. Oh and, actually I graduated this year, I’m no longer in university. It took around 3 years.
Sekar: Wow, that’s fast. Congratulations.
Wulan: It’s because I took the exchange program in Ibaraki University, so I got 3 years to graduate. I did my credits converted from Ibaraki University, they converted my credits to my university. And I could have finished my final graduation earlier than other people.
Sekar: So, that was the advantages from studying exchange program.
Wulan: Yeah, especially the online program. I think if I go to Japan, I couldn't graduate yet now.
Rin: Oh really?
Wulan: Yeah, if I go to Japan and enjoying myself while in Japan, I might not working on my thesis.
Rin: So that you might enjoying holiday in Japan, and you might not be work so hard on your thesis. Yeah, I think that makes sense. I think so too, if I go to another country to study abroad, I might be enjoying the trip without studying hard. Hearing from Wulan’s experience, the advantage of study exchange online is you can concentrate and focus on your study. And what’s the disadvantage?
Wulan: The disadvantage, probably you can’t really experiencing the actual study abroad experience. So that’s why I also wanted to join the face-to-face class too. Sometimes I feel jealous with students who can attend the face-to-face class.
Rin: By the way, Wulan’s Japanese and English skill is very fluent. Have you ever studied Japanese or English before the exchange program?
Wulan: Oh, yeah. I was majoring in Japanese language in university. And for English, I just studied at home. I really grateful that I did the online exchange program, because it helped me improve my Japanese language skill.
Rin: Do you have any opportunities to practice speaking Japanese?
Wulan: Yeah, because we had to present our reports using Japanese and then discussed using Japanese too. I was in level 4 which is equal to JLPT N2. So that’s why I have to speak Japanese at the class. But my Japanese was not actually really good. The teacher always helped us to improve our Japanese skill. I wanted to say thank you to Seo-sensei for helping me.
Sekar: After experiencing online study exchange program, do you have other goals for the future careers?
Wulan: Oh yeah. Actually, I’m planning to go to graduate school in Japan. Maybe in 2 years later. I’m planning to apply next year, so I have to prepare first. I’m waiting for my N1 result this year and then I have to prepare for IELTS, too. That’s my goal.
Sekar: Oh right, there’s a JLPT test this December. I took the N3 test this December. Did Wulan also take the test too?
Wulan: Yeah, I did. And now I’m waiting for the N1 result.
Rin: Is there any tutor that helped you during the study exchange online program?
Wulan: Yeah. I have an online tutor. She helped me with the course registration, checking my Japanese report, and also help me on practicing presentation in Japanese. She was very nice to me.
Sekar: Do you have anything to share with other exchange students?
Wulan: Just do your best and enjoy the class. Because it will be a memorable experience. Even though it wasn’t good, but then you will realize that kind of experience was so fun.
Rin: Do you have anxious or nervous feeling during the online study exchange program?
Wulan: Maybe, on the first week. To be honest, even though it was online program, but the assignments you have to do it individually. It’s very different from my university that you have to work and do anything with groups.
Rin: So, it means to encourage us to work alone, right.